
Working in the Bed and Breakfast for a long time, we have become accustomed to many similar questions that our visitors tend to ask us. Here we have collected all these elements in a list, for everyone’s convenience!
Is Wi-Fi available?

The property has a Wi-Fi line available to guests. Upon arrival in the room you will find the password to access. The service is free.

Check-in hours

Check-in is in “self check-in mode” from 1.00 pm onwards, without the staff, you will receive directions to enter the room. It is compulsory to send identity documents in advance.

Check-out hours

Check-out is scheduled at 10.30.

Reservation and deposit

To book your stay you need to provide a credit card as a guarantee. The card can be verified with a pre authorization.

Otherwise a transfer of 50% of the total.

The balance can be remotely charged on the day of arrival or paid on arrival.

We accept cash, wire transfers, ATMs and major credit cards.

How does self check-in work?

Identity cards or passports of all guests (including infants) are required before entering in the property.

To enter the property you will find an electronic keypad in each door. We will provide you with the codes and instructions by the morning of your arrival.
We usually use whatsapp if you do not have it installed on your phone we recommend you do so, or contact us by email.

Can i bring my pet?

Animals are not allowed in the bed and breakfast rooms.

Small pets are allowed in the apartments on request and with an extra payment for final cleaning.


Booking cancellation
No penalty for cancellations reported at 5 days before the arrival date.

In case of cancellation outside of the established terms, 100% of the stay will be retained.

How is breakfast?
Breakfast is an additional service at B&B 52cento. It is prepared express every day. We have a sweet and savory proposal and we pay attention to local products and to those who have food needs such as vegans, gluten and lactose intolerant. If you have a food requirement of this type, we ask you to notify us a few days before, in order to organize ourselves in order to meet your needs.

The italian breakfast (only sweet) price is 5€ per person. Continental breakfast €9 per person.

Download the breakfast menù

When can I access the panoramic terrace?
A panoramic terrace is available to enjoy the view that opens onto the historic city center. We offer you exclusively one of the most wonderful views of the city. Access to the terrace is always open and you can enjoy the sunrise and sunset lights, perhaps reading a book, photographing the beautiful panorama or sipping a local wine, which you can buy directly from us.
What are the closest car parks?
For parking, the closest is the Cadorna – Fanfani Parking at 100m. Costs 8.00 am – 8.30 pm € 1.50 per hour and free from 20.30 to 8.00. Parking is uncovered, not bookable. Address: access from via Porta Buia

The cheapest is the Baldaccio at 650m. Costs € 6 per day. The parking is covered, not bookable. Address: access from via Baldaccio d’Anghiari

The closest covered and supervised garage is the Eritrea Garage (100 m), it costs € 15 per day and closes at 9.00 pm. Access from via Eritrea

If I arrive by train, how can I reach BB 52cento?
For those arriving by train, the B&B 52cento is very easy to reach. The station is only 200 meters away. Once you exit the station towards the center, just go straight ahead in the street opposite (via Guido Monaco) until you reach the square. Without entering the square, go left until the corner with via Petrarca. We are in the building that forms the corner at number n. 9.

Is it possible to leave luggage?

In the property you can leave your luggage. 

For those who are leaving there are no time obligations to pick up the luggage.

How much do you pay tourist tax?

The tourist tax is € 3 per person per night for a maximum of 4 consecutive nights.

Children under the age of 12 and residents in the municipality of Arezzo are exempt.

Is it an accessible structure?

For who need only a wheelchair, the B&B 52cento is not an accessible structure.

For those with a folding wheelchair and able to stay in the lift with crutches, the B&B 52cento is an accessible structure.

Unfortunately, the lift is very small and a wheelchair cannot enter except by folding it.

Can I smoke?

You can only smoke on the terrace.

It is not possible to smoke in the room or in the common areas, not even electronic cigarettes

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